Please fill in the initial contact form to make arrangements or register if you are ready to go. and email me here [email protected] or text me on 07799472170 when you have completed the form here Thank you.
To make appointments either contact me on 07799472170 Or use use the appointment booking button below and I will need to confirm these. Or I will book them for you.
Getting started I generally run 75 minute sessions (this can be discussed and adjusted to your needs). Usually these start out regularly for a series once a week or fortnightly, and space out as you get on top of things. An initial agreement of frequency and the number of sessions (like once a fortnight for 6 weeks) helps get some momentum. This can be renewed, or stopped at any time. You are in control. Cancellations, no shows or rescheduling need to be made 24 hours beforehand or you maybe charged. Exceptions for the the unforeseen will be accommodated.
Session Costs: The fee range is by wealth and income. This is self assessed, and I can help you with this if needed. As a guide:
Low income and little savings £60.
Middle income with some savings one holiday a year £80.
Middle income with savings / wealth and you can eat out once a week and take more than one holiday £100.
High income with savings / wealth and low or no mortgage £120
Some bursaries are available for those on very low incomes with no wealth, usually you will be in receipt of state benefits. We can discuss this.
Introductory call or zoom. No Cost Up to 20 minutes , introductory session and orientation. Check out that this is for you.
Sessions 75 minutes £60 - £120 I have a garden yurt in Stroud, it is a lovely space. Or a walk and talk / nature based practices in Stroud Or meeting on zoom / G-Meet or by phone
Focus Sessions 20 minutes £25 Once we are used to working together we can do single issue focus sessions, or crisis support. Usually by phone or WhatsApp video call.
Texting and PMs By Arrangement This is if you need more frequent contact and support. We can message or do 5 - 10 minute "How's it going?" calls at prearranged times.
Longer sessions £150 - £300 / half day. We can arrange longer sessions such as half, whole days, or more. To drop in deeper and run processes which need more time. This can be online or in person.
Organaisations Bespoke sessions for organisations and teams, negotiable.
Applications and referrals.
Use the contact tab to initially get in touch with me. Or text me to make an arrangement for the free introductory phone call on 07799472170. Click on the registration button above if you are ready to enrol for sessions, this will take you to a simple form to fill in.
We will discuss the frequency, how long for and make an agreement together. There is an agreements form for this which I will send you. Other help and support you may need. I may suggest a few things as we go along i.e. sign posting, homework, referrals to other professionals, organisations, services, and I have legal obligations to make referrals to stae agencies in the case of safeguarding or criminal issues.
Referrals To make a full application or a referral for someone else such as under 18s, vulnerable adults or from agencies and organisations, click the link on the register here button above. The form will take you through the referral steps. If your employer or organisation is funding you, we will make an agreement with them.