I am one of the Co founders of Journeyman UK https://journeymanuk.org/ a national charity providing community based volunteer group mentoring for teenage young men, with annual large scale events, camps, parenting courses and mentoring trainings. This is the UK version of boystomen.org/about-us/ I co design and deliver JourneymanUK mentoring trainings, local group curriculum, and 'Understanding Young Men' online courses. I am a Senior Mentor, Group Coordinator and one of the Rites of Passage leaders. I have been a JourneymanUK trustee and am currently Central Coordinator, a mentor coach, local group leader and teenage mentor. I have received mentoring coaching from Boys to Men USA, who gifted their program to the UK as JourneymanUK.
I am involved with The Mankind Project https://mankindprojectuki.org/ ( an international men's rites of passage with peer support groups non profit organisation). I have attended many of their trainings over the last 15 years, including leadership and running a local group toolkit. I have attended many weekend workshops with them. I have staffed their Rites of Passage event numerous times. I founded the Stroud MKP local group which is a thriving local chapter.
I am a qualified Homoeopath, trained in counselling and I am experienced in delivering Community Arts projects. Over the last few decades I have attended a wide variety of personal development, mindfulness, and therapeutic courses. I also keep myself up to date with current psychological research with trauma informed practice. I have attended courses in managing low mood, anxiety for my own benefit, I have an embodied movement practice called Shintaido and attended courses in mindfulness. I have practiced meditation and mindfulness for three decades. More recently I have attended Noble Man https://www.celebrationofbeing.co.uk/ Men Without Masks https://www.menwithoutmasks.com/the-embodied-leader I received coaching from https://www.oliviermythodrama.com/ and several from outstanding leaders and peers over the last few years.
I am a father of two wonderful young people who are now in their late 20s, and have informally fostered several other young people along the way. I am married and live in Stroud.
On my CV I also have. Degree in Social and Political Sciences. A Certificate in Art and Ceramics. Qualified Homeopath. Counselling Certificate. Community artist, potter, factory work, building and carpentry specialising in eco-build, The Centre for Alternative Technology, yurt maker, school facilities management, health and safety, homeopath, director of a community interest company. I have travelled overland to India. I still love to be creative and work with my hands. I was raised in Manchester (DOB 1960) in a working class household.